Welcome to Careers at iBluu Tech Lab

Take charge, Make it simple, Achieve excellence.

Looking for a
new career?

We look for passionate, curious, creative and solution-driven team players. At iBTL, you work in an encouraging and innovative environment with cutting-edge deep learning technologies, you'll connect with something greater than yourself and achieve your higher purpose.
Open Positions

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Culture and Values at iBluu

Transforming the world of Innovation starts with our Culture and Values and it represents what we believe in and what matters to us.
And at iBluu, we are a high-performing team with heart.


Excellence is not just a word. It’s that restless feeling in the gut. We never stop learning and improving. Wanting to be great.


We are always looking to improve, to change, and to disrupt. Because we develop new ideas that prove impactful and keep things simple.

Trust & Integrity

We stand by our words. We admit mistakes openly and share learning widely. We say what we believe. And we do what we say.

Current openings at iBluu Tech Lab

Tell us more about yourself, we'll be happy to hear from you. If you’re interested to work with us, just send across your resume to us at careers@ibluutechlab.com.

Python Developer

Experience with Python frameworks (e.g. Django, Flask, Bottle)

  • Location: Noida
  • Experience: 3-5 years
  • Education: Bachelor’s Degree

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Full Stack Developer

Knowledge of multiple front-end and back-end languages.

  • Location: Noida
  • Experience: 3-5 years
  • Education: Bachelor’s Degree

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Data Scientist

Relevant experience in usage of Data Analytics and Machine learning libraries.

  • Location: Noida
  • Experience: 4-5 years
  • Education: Master’s Degree

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